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Friday 20 March 2020

Higher education in Pakistan: Ills and remedies - CSS English Essay


 1- Foreword
      1.1.Meaning and purpose of education 
      1.2.Status of education in Pakistan

 2- Ills in higher education in Pakistan
      2.1.Orthodox teaching methodology
      2.2.Lack of accessibility and affordability 
      2.3.Unequal examination system
      2.4.Incompetent Higher Education Commission 

3- Remedies in higher education in Pakistan 
     3.1.Teaching workshops and better training for teachers
     3.2. Provision of scholarships for students
     3.3.Uniform examination system 
     3.4.Competent Higher Education Commission and allocation of funds by the government 

4- Way Forward

1.1 Meaning and purpose of education

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." 
-Nelson Mandela 

1.2 Status of education in Pakistan

The status of any great nation depends upon the amount of importance it gives to education. Education not only helps in ensuring the economic development of a country but also builds the character of a person and a nation. Education is the only way to success and prosperity. Prosperous countries worldwide pay due importance to education. However, the situation is dismal in Pakistan. Pakistan is facing a precarious situation because higher education in Pakistan is facing multiple issues. To stand among developed countries, education is the most powerful weapon to be utilized. Higher education in Pakistan is substandard with low funds allocation, different examination systems, and older teaching methodology. Though higher education is facing multiple issues but these can be solved with practical steps needed to reform the higher education system. This essay summarizes major ills and their remedies regarding higher education in Pakistan.

 2. Ills in higher education in Pakistan

 2.1. Orthodox teaching methodology:

First and foremost, one of the major ills of higher education in Pakistan is the orthodox teaching methodology. Teachers are the nation-builders but lack of proper teacher training tends to have a huge negative impact. Proper teacher training programs are not enough and those which are already in practice, do not meet the required standards. Teachers and institutions cannot be expected to produce an educated and skilled lot when the teaching methods are not up to date. Similarly, the system of cramming produces teachers that continue this vicious cycle.So unskilled lot without adequate training instills crammed knowledge with no focus on research and practical knowledge. Thus, impaired teaching methods and lack of training manifests itself in poorly equipped pupils with no actual utilization in practical life.

 2.2. Lack of accessibility and affordability:

Another problem related to higher education in Pakistan is that education is not accessible to all. Education has become a rare asset for the privileged only. Education plays a significant role in the economic progress of any nation. Moreover, the demographic dividend can be positively utilized only through education. Demographic dividend utilization refers to taking advantage of youth bulge. As in the case of Pakistan, around sixty percent of the population is below thirty years of age. If this percentage is adequately used, Pakistan can be among the developed countries in no time. However, owing to the low literacy rate, this youth bulge becomes a bane rather than a boon.It puts a strain on already meager resources thus further pushing the country towards instability. Similarly, in the case of Pakistan, this demographic dividend has not been utilized properly.

Due to a lack of education and unemployment, frustration is common among youth. This frustration often leads to a world of crime to maintain basic subsistence levels. However, even those with access to higher education are not at much advantage. Universities in Pakistan emphasize rote learning rather than research. Similarly, expenses incurred by these varieties are met by with great difficulty. Scholarships are not available in the majority of higher education institutions. This lack of accessibility and affordability of higher education in Pakistan is a major issue.

 2.3.Unequal examination system: 

Three parallel systems work in Pakistan: public, private and madrassah education. All these streams are predominantly different in their target population and in the quality of education they deliver. Public or government universities are affordable enough but their system is essentially based on cramming with no focus on required industry-based skills. Private institutions-albeit a few of them-do have quality education but cater to privileged class only, owing to higher tuition fees. Madrassah in Pakistan provides free food and lodgings to students who come from humble backgrounds. Here Islamic education is imparted. These systems produce markedly different graduates with their family status as a major determinant of future opportunities.

This basic default that is of unequal education and later employment opportunities is also a source of great strain in Pakistani society. Furthermore, public and private examination systems vary greatly. Private examination systems are based on testing critical analysis,research-based data and other such skills. However, public sector examinations expect students to reproduce crammed knowledge on paper sparing no room for any creativity. Unequal examination systems do a great injustice as these impact future chances of getting employment and learning skills.

2.4.Incompetent Higher Education Commission and allocation of funds by the government: 

The Higher Education Commission is not very effective in facilitating higher education in Pakistan. The number of scholarships awarded by HEC is very limited. These scholarships are not as diverse as these do not cover all fields. Moreover, these scholarships and grants are not easily available as the process is lengthy and cumbersome. Scholarships are also limited in number. Many universities are operating in Pakistan without HEC recognition. Other universities with recognition are no better as these universities produce tons of graduates without space in the job industry later. HEC regulation is also allegedly marked by corruption.

All these issues render higher education less efficient and more burdensome. Incompetency of a higher authority, HEC in this case, leads to incompetent education system. Around 2.4 percent of GDP is spent on education currently in Pakistan. On the contrary, developed countries spend around 5 percent of their GDP on education. This low spending on education shows gross negligence on the part of the government. Lower allocation by government and in return by HEC proves to be a disaster for the higher education system of Pakistan.

3. Remedies in higher education in Pakistan 

3.1.Teaching workshops and better training for teachers:

As teachers are the nation builders, their prior training should be made mandatory. Teaching workshops must be conducted every now and then. Certifications can be introduced and must be considered before hiring to ensure excellent teaching capabilities. Obsolete teaching methods must be done away with because new times demand new strategies. Furthermore, as the level of education is a must-have for teaching in universities, prior training in addition to experience should become an essential pre-requisite.

3.2 Provision of scholarships for students:

 One of the major ills of higher education in Pakistan can be rectified by providing scholarships to those with less means. These scholarships can be both need-based and merit-based. More scholarships ensure that more people can be educated and demographic dividend can be efficiently utilized. Similar to scholarships, grants by university staff or donations by NGOs and affluent persons can ease the financial burden on the deserving students. This will enable deserving candidates to fully access and perform well during studies without worrying about finances.

Provision of scholarships can raise the enrollment numbers and youth bulge of Pakistan is saved from being wasted. 3.3.Uniform examination system Uniform examination system must be introduced across universities in Pakistan. Madrassah, public and private institutions should be streamlined with the same curriculum and examination process. Modern and Islamic blend of education can be a possible solution because Pakistan is a Muslim majority country. Particularly, the madrassah curriculum must be scrutinized to make it up to date with modern demands. Uniformity in education can provide equal opportunities and chances to students and their potential can be fully unlocked. 3.4.Competent Higher Education Commission Lastly, another possible measure is to make HEC more competent.HEC should be held accountable for its responsibilities to facilitate higher education. It should provide more and more scholarships. These scholarships must be offered at all levels and merit should be the top priority. Additional grants should also be given to deserving students.

4.Way Forward:

The higher education system in Pakistan is facing many problems; however, all these issues can be tackled with concrete planning and implementation. Many programs and policies are being introduced in Pakistan with a focus on solving all these main issues. Education is a priority and it should be so to rank among developed countries. It is hoped that the concerned authorities in Pakistan pay due attention to educational reforms and contribute towards progress

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