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Sunday 29 March 2020

Globalization Vs Nationalism


      1.1.Overview of Globalization and Nationalism

2.Fruits of globalization vs Nationalism
      2.1.Economic prosperity
      2.2.North-South cordial relationship
      2.3.Creativity and Innovation
      2.4.Social Services for all
      2.5.Cultural diversity

3.Reality of mismanaged globalization
      3.1.Concentration of power
      3.2.Western dominance
      3.3. Might is right policy
      3.4.Socio-economic disparities
      3.5.Cultural imperialism

4.The rise of dark nationalism
     4.1.Basic features of nationalism
     4.2.Preaching protectionism: Trump's ''America First'' slogan
     4.3.Culture of hatred: Xenophobia, Ethnocentrism-Islamophobia
     4.4.A threat to liberalism


1.1.Overview of Globalization and Nationalism:

The bloodbath of the early 1990s and anxiety-prone era of the cold war led all leaders to prefer butter to guns. History witnessed that the post-cold war order was born with new vision, new dreams, and above all with the key idea of 'globalization'. This borderless cooperation or Thomas Friedman 'Flat world' painted the whole world into one color. There was a belief that globalization would bring economic prosperity, political cooperation, technological advancement, and cultural diversity for all and it did happen. In the early years, globalization worked well for the entire world. Free trade, international cooperation, north-south friendship, and the concept of 'global village' brought several positive changes across the globe. But, afterward, the globalization took the wrong turn. It became a tool of rich countries for exploiting weaker ones.

The rift between poor and rich became wider than ever. And this mismanaged global world order gave rise to the tide of nationalism. The same version of nationalism about which Fukuyama in 1989 stated that: " The only threat to liberalism is dead". Now it has become even more dangerous because of different flavors of fascism, ethnonationalism, authoritarianism, and most important populism. It is clearly a disaster recipe or already ill globalization as the neo-nationalism believes in building walls, promoting cultural hatred, protectionism, closing doors of liberal institutions or it can be said that this global surge of nationalism is taking the world into the previous era again. Nationalist leaders are taking advantage of loopholes created by globalization. Hence the conundrum of globalization vs nationalism is on-page again and the recent anti-liberal, anti-plural, and anti-centrist wave of nationalism is threatening globalization, therefore, this approach needs to be harnessed by bringing back the true version of globalization.

2.Fruits of globalization vs Nationalism:

The phenomenon of tightening borders and building walls is global now. There is an outgoing battle between proponents and opponents of globalization. According to the definition, " Globalization " means interdependence of nation-states in terms of political, economic, social, cultural spheres. While "Nationalism" in its mild form is, simple love or devotion for one's country which can be easily seen in world cup matches. But, the wave of nationalism, which is hitting the globe now is found in the speeches of 'Hitler'. Consequently, both ideologies are trying to divorce each other. On one side, globalists are labeling 'nationalists' as imperialists or human beings with an unlimited thirst for power. On the other side, Trump mentioned in his October campaign that 'globalists are corrupt'. The said idea is reflected in the speeches of Victor Orban, Nigel Farage, Jair Bolsonoro, Narendra Modi, and in the actions of Vladamir Putin, Benjamen Netanyahu, and many others. Nationalists believe that it is better to work for national interests rather than some common abstract global good. Globalists are holding different views here.

They consider globalization as a path which leads to the well-being of any nation. In other words, globalists consider 'globalization' as essential for the prosperity of the nation-state. But, besides the theoretical version of globalization is very fascinating, its practical show has given way to nationalism. From Europe to Asia, and from Oceania to the U.S, the tide of nationalism is becoming stronger, The much talked about Brexit, the doctrine of 'America First', tagging immigrants as 'Pesticides',Israel expansionist approach, Islamophobia, all are the manifestations that dark face of nationalism is getting power. Hence, leaders who believe in building fences are in trend now and even people of world largest democracies are no longer interested in the delicious fruits of globalization.

2.1.Economic prosperity:

            It is no doubt that globalization has more carrots than sticks. Foremost, it ensures 'economic prosperity' as the concepts of blurring borders help poor countries to get jobs, opportunities of business, less rate 'high quality'products in the economic market of rich countries. It also gives access to the world best markets and products. A person from any region can enjoy these perks and privileges.

2.2.North-South cordial relationship:

It bridges the gap between North and South. An email sent from the global North can reach the global South within seconds. Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat have replaced the letter job of pigeon. All countries can join hands in economic, social, political spheres.

2.3.Creativity and Innovation:

Moreover, it brings 'innovation and creativity'. This is an age of technological revolution and billions of heads are involved in creating things, solving global problems, and resolving disputes. It breeds more divergent things. It also promises the best social services at the doorstep.

2.4.Social Services for all:

Under the shadow of globalization, students - on the basis of merit- can study in world best institutions. They can do jobs in good companies. Medicine, educational, health and social care facilities are in the access of everyone. This type of interdependence also creates cultural diversity like in arts, music, literature. In short, one can enjoy the beauty of any culture without being judged on any criteria. Thus, the blending of different nations contributes to peace. Globalization makes this world 'a big fat happy family' which is full of care, respect, and cooperation. Globalization promises these fruits that guarantee growth for all, but these fruits are not equally shared by everyone.

2.5.Cultural diversity:

Globalization has led to merging and acceptance of certain cultural values of opposing cultures. In a way, it has caused the spread of harmonizing aspects of varying cultures. Beyond borders, cultural diffusion is taking place up to a certain extent.

3.Reality of mismanaged globalization:

3.1.Concentration of power:

In actuality, the ground reality of globalization is worse. The world economic makers are in the possession of a few sections and their 'one size capitalism for all' is not suitable for poor class. The jobs for poor instead direct millions of low wage laborers to rich countries. Furthermore, this flow of human capital to the global South gave power to one portion of the world. The technological revolution only filled the accounts of multinational companies. Domestic industries were given no importance in poor countries. This further weakened economies of developing countries.

3.2.Western dominance:

The only advantage of globalization was ' Western dominance'. Countries of West also started getting strength in the political arena. Today, might is right philosophy is in practice. The decision of world powers- like America- can not be overruled by weaker countries. According to the UN report on Population 2019, the U.S has a bigger immigration rate and his economic well-being can be attributed to this factor. The wrong delivery of globalization has also widened the gap between powerful and weak countries. In addition to this, the close relationship between the Global South and Global North became a marriage of inconvenience for the former.

3.3. Might is right policy:

Let us take care of Pakistan for consideration. Firstly, Pakistan is in a debt trap that was given in return for cooperation. After making Pakistan economically dependent, the West is holding the upper hand in the country's political decision making. A byproduct of the so-called cultural diversity can be seen in newer values and deteriorating the significance of traditional values of society.

3.4.Socio-economic disparities:

Western masters are exporting their ideas, ideologies indeed everything to fragile economies while portraying other beliefs as 'deviant'. It all happened due to the wrong track of globalization. That only one chunk of the ruling elite wants to maintain the status quo by exploiting the ideology of globalization. Practically, globalization is creating more problems that are nurturing nationalism in turn.

3.5.Cultural imperialism:

Globalization has introduced different cultures to one another. However, this meeting of cultures has brought about stark changes. Rather than blending these cultures, globalization has-in a sense-highlighted their differences.Xenophobia(hatred towards anything foreign), Ethnocentrism(sense of superiority of one's group), and anti-immigrant sentiments are negative sides of globalization. Similarly, using culture as a tool of psychological warfare is also owing to globalization. Western values are considered standard values and are expected to be followed as such. This hinders mainstreaming of other cultural values.

4.The rise of dark nationalism:

4.1.Basic features of nationalism:

Therefore, populism under the mask of nationalism is receiving love in the international arena. It is not liberal nationalism of the past. It is the nationalism of the inter-war period that wants to grow by destroying others. This combination of authoritarian mind, imperialistic goals, populist aims, and nationalist aspirations is replacing globalization. It is clear that the populist version of nationalism is shining with its distinctive features.

4.2.Preaching protectionism: Trump's ''America First'' slogan:

Nationalists are more protectionist oriented as happening in America. Soon after joining White House, Trump started withdrawing from deals. Trump made it clear that his dream is to 'make America great' or 'make America white again'. His actions convey a message to the whole world that he is more interested in building the American Empire. Under Trumpism and Hindustan Raj, both countries are working on enhancing domestic markets-closing them from poor economies. Global issues are considered as 'fake' or created by a few groups such as Trump derived the problem of climate change. Thus, this nationalism has populist tendencies which are further given in the following paragraphs.

4.3.Culture of hatred: Xenophobia, Ethnocentrism-Islamophobia:

Like, the policies of nationalists are creating a culture of hatred. The rate of xenophobia, anti-immigrant sentiments, and Islamophobia were the highest last year. Nationalists are also redrawing nation-state boundaries that were carved out in the ' Treaty of Westphalia'. For instance, the concept of Hindustan and Hinduism is synonyms as demonstrated in the CAA bill proposed by Narendra Modi. Trump is also favoring 'White America'. These nationalist leaders are proposing 'deglobalization' as cure for all evils. They are shutting down the borders. For some analysts, they are expressing anti-immigrant, anti-Islam for following reasons: for putting a blanket on their faulty policies as Viktor Orban is blaming immigrants for everything and maintaining their power as western countries are framing Islamophobia for their own malicious gains. Overall, nationalism is causing hatred everywhere and reversing the liberal world order.

4.4. A threat to liberalism:       

 Nationalism-today- is a clear threat to democracy as it is anti-liberal in character. Nationalists present themselves as the sole representative of the 'people'. In their view, globalization coupled with its values is not healthy for people. The Brexit vote for leaving the EU is one such example. Same way Surveillance on social media, controlling journalists' opinions, calling alliance 'brain dead', quitting from international treaties are few common characteristic styles of nationalism. According to the Internet Freedom League report 2019, people in countries like Russia are punished for both online as well as offline crimes. 2019 was also the worst year for 'journalists'. The term 'fake media' given by Donald Trump, was the most used word of the year. Jair Bolsonaro's opinion that 'climate change' issue is not real and his exploitation of beautiful Amazon is showing that nationalists can go to any extent to fulfill their self-defined national interests. Furthermore, making countries like Syria a'a theatre of war' for their own power show is not good or democratic at all. Nationalism can be stated as the opposite version of liberalism.

 All of these facts reveal that cost of nationalism is more than its benefits. It's like the world is moving towards destruction and war period can come back any time soon. There s a need to counter this new form of terror by bringing true globalization home.


 Hence the distorted faces of nationalism and globalization cannot coexist whereas the former is creating more damage then favor. Globalization does have some loopholes. But, in this age of information technology, countries cannot live in isolation. The proponents of nationalism are making more foes than friends. For one school of thought, this mindset of building empires will take the world into an ignorant age. Hatred, selfishness, insensitive, narcissistic tendencies are negative emotions that will never give anything positive to this world. However, globalization needs to be mended before giving it a solution. In a nutshell, all leaders must rethink their approach and post-cold war 'globalization' must be practiced.


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