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Saturday 14 March 2020

Complete Essay on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)


  1. Introduction
  2. What is Coronavirus?
  3.  Novel virus Corona
  4.  COVID-19, A new strain
  5.  First time in human beings
  6.  What is a pandemic?
  7.  Epidemic vs Pandemic
  8.  Zoonotic disease
  9.  Origin of COVID-19
  10.   Biological weapon or a natural disease
  11.  Hesitation of WHO to declare it a pandemic
  12.  Declaration as pandemic
  13. Symptoms of Coronavirus
  14.  Affected Countries Across the globe
  15.  COVID -19 in Pakistan
  16. 15 of 22 cases in Karachi
  17.  Coronavirus Myths V/S Reality
  18.  A Threat to Globalization
  19.  Precautions
  20.  Wash hands properly
  21.  Avoid crowds
  22.  Use masks
  23.  Create one-meter distance from patient of flu
  24.  Time period of the virus
  25.   Role of Social Media for a Pandemic
  26.   Conclusion

Corona Virus, also known as COVID_19, recently declared as a pandemic, is also called Novel Corona Virus, is a human to human transmitted disease which spreads from person to person mainly produced the droplets when an infected person speaks, coughs, sneezes. This virus can land to the mouth and nose of the closed person and affect his lungs, respiratory tract and ultimately bring about the death of the person. The most dangerous thing related to Coronavirus is its tendency to grow.

In the words of WHO,(World Health Organization) “Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS_COV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARC_COV)”.

“A novel coronavirus is a new strain, that has not been previously found in human beings. This disease caused by a virus strain severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS_CoV_2)”.

 Declaration as pandemic

The worldwide spread of this deadly viral disease began for the first time in Wuhan _China, in 2019 and has developed into 2019_20 as Coronavirus Pandemic by World Health Organization.

The word “Pandemic “, comes from the Greek word “pan “and “demos” , meaning “for all the people “, but using it does not change that much from a programmatic illness fear developing perspective.

It is different from the epidemic, an epidemic, by contrast, refers to a more localized outbreak rather than a global one.

Coronavirus is zoonotic, and they are transmitted between animals and people .The virus is said to have an animal origin, it was first transmitted to human beings in Wuhan _China in November _December 2019 and the primary source of infection became human to human transmission by early January 2020, after the arrival of “Rat Year “ in China.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

COVID_19 is characterized by common symptoms, which include a runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection in Respiratory track can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, heart failure and ultimately death. How can any one know if a person is infected or not ? By the time he has a fever or a cough and goes to lung's hospital, the patient may have 50% of fibrosis and then it is too late “.

Affected Countries Across the globe

Coronavirus has affected approximately 114 countries of the world. About 126,380 cases have been reported, out of which 4634 have died and 68313 have been recovered.
The World Health Organization declared Coronavirus a “pandemic “ on Wednesday this week, as it has spread in more than 100 countries of the world .

This initiative of declaring coronavirus as  a pandemic is based on the geographical spread of a disease, the seriousness of suffering it causes, and it’s possible and multidimensional effects on society.

Coronavirus has sickened more than 121,000 people and killed more than 4300 people.WHO has been assessing this pandemic around the clock. In the words of WHO's executive director Doctor Michael J .Ryan, who said, while answering a reporter “Pandemic is not a word to use lightly or carelessly, it is a word if misused, can cause unreasonable fear or unjustified acceptance that the fight is over, leading to unnecessary suffering and death”.Coronavirus has far-reaching effects if not dealt with carefully.

Of the 118,000 cases reported globally in 114 countries, more than 90 percent of cases are in just four countries, and two of them are China and The Republic of Korea has declined the ratio of increasing virus. Moreover, it has spread in Italy, Iran, UK and other countries including Pakistan.

The worst affected countries are mainland China with 80,793 cases, with 3169 deaths and of which more than three quarters have been cured. Italy follows with 12462 cases and 827 deaths, Iran with 10,075 cases and 429 deaths, South Korea 7869 cases with 48 deaths.

15 of 22 cases in Karachi

The number of confirmed cases of COVID_19 infections in Pakistan has risen to 22, after Gilgit_Baltistanreported to have it’s third patient recently .Karachi has been the worst affected so far with 15 of the total confirmed cases in Pakistan. Of the rest of the cases, two cases have been reported each in Islamabad, Hyderabad, and Quetta.
National Institute Of Health Report 12_3_2020 ,on Corona Virus (COVID_19)  reports

Cumulative Travelers Screened:894,256
Suspected Travelers Screened: 894,256
Test performed: Cumulative:471
Test Positive: Cumulative 20
Still Admitted: 18
 Discharged: 2

Pakistan is taking initiatives as precautionary measures, but it is difficult to estimate the expenditures , Pakistan should spend on precautions. Sindh, where anti-rabies is not available to all district, how it can deal with Corona Virus, is still a burning question.

Majority of scientists and doctors in Pakistan seems to wait for summers when the virus will be burnt automatically, till then testing, isolating, the spread of awareness which is being done and precautionary measures can be priorities of Pakistan medical board. The most important thing is to avoid myths especially in a country like Pakistan, where every herbalist, homeopathic is ready to invent the cure of Coronavirus.

Coronavirus Myths V/S Reality

There are many myths related to Coronavirus. After the outbreak of Corona Virus it was propagated that Coronavirus was  invented in Chinese Lab in Wuhan, later on was rejected by the scientists.

Corona Virus can’t be invented as a biochemical weapon, but its carriers can be used as weapons and indeed, for all humanity not for a specific individual or country. It is denied by the fact that Coronavirus has been used to affect CPEC, or was invented in Chinese Lab and in future China wanted to use it as a biochemical weapon. According to some other myths, this Coronavirus was originated in the USA actually and was brought to Wuhan China as some military game.

Allegations and controversies about the origin of coronavirus suspected it’s origin but till now no authentic source by USA and China has confirmed it, not even Iran who regarded Coronavirus a biological attack and is determined to conduct exercises to prevent such kinds of biological attack. Another myth about coronavirus is its treatment through antibiotics. Moreover, the most misguiding myth about Coronavirus treatment is a cure through alcohol intake. Many casualties in Iran and Italy said to have been reported due to over dozing of alcohol.

COVID_19 is a virus and no antibiotics are useful to treat Coronavirus .Similarly according to some communities, school of thought, Coronavirus attack old people easily. In fact, people of every age can suffer from COVID_19  equally.

Most importantly, there is no specific medicine for the treatment of new viruses. Treatment through herbs and different vegetables like garlic is of no use. Yet most probably useful in preventing flu before the attack of new viruses.

According to majority of people, Coronavirus was spread due to eating uncooked rats and soup of bats is not authentic as well, but still researches are being conducted on this issue.
Pets have nothing to do with the outbreak of Coronavirus. 

A Threat to Globalization

COVID_19 has been proved to be a serious threat to the Globalization. America has closed it’s links with EU, while Italy has been isolated completely. Mainland China, while progressing CPEC project has been forced to postpone CPEC projects and foreigners are leaving China. China will invest money equal to its one budget on the eradication of Coronavirus. Moreover, cities along with countries are closing their trades and travels with each other.

According to estimators of COVID_19, each coronavirus patient infects two or three others. That’s the reproduction rate of up to twice as high as seasonal flu, which typically infects
1.3 new people for each patient. 

Precautionary measures to prevent Coronavirus

  1. It is essential to take precautionary measures to prevent Coronavirus. The only way to save from coronavirus is care and precautions.
  2. Regularly clean your hands with an alcohol-based rub and wash them with soap and water. By doing this you can kill the viruses already present in your hands.
  3. Maintain one meter (3_feet ) distance from the person who is sneezing or coughing.
  4. Don’t touch your eyes, nose, and mouth, because your hands touch many surfaces and by touching they can pick up viruses and transfer to eyes, nose and mouth and from where the virus can easily reach your body.
  5. Practicing respiratory hygiene should be maintained. It means covering your mouth with bent elbow or tissue while coughing and sneezing.
  6. Follow the instructions of your local health authority in case of feeling fever, coughing, unrest in breathing and soar throat.
  7. Take medicines related to fever and throat in case of finding any indication related to Coronavirus.
  8. Stay at home and limit your activities, avoid crowds. Use surgical masks while visiting outside of the home, but surgical masks are not recommended in all cases.

Time period of the virus

Corona Virus is expected to be burnt automatically, till April_ June .It is a theory still researchable that Coronavirus can be reduced or automatically complete it’s duration till June and most probably in April. 

Role of Social Media for a Pandemic

As compared to other deadly diseases, the world faced in previous decades including SARS, Swine Flu , Ebola, Coronavirus COVID_19 has a lower mortality rate, but timely awareness program by WHO and precautions are taken by the Chinese government and other countries affected by the new virus, socialized the issue to a satisfactory level
Social media plays an important role in the prevention of some epidemic or Pandemic.
And social media was never so active before, during the outbreaks of other deadly viral diseases in history. 

It is the duty of Media to avoid yellow journalism and don’t create fear and uncertainty in society.WHO was reluctant to declare Coronavirus as pandemic because of the reason that this declaration can create unrest and fear among the masses, but later on recently, it has to announce it a pandemic. Now it depends upon media either it use this declaration to create awareness about precautions or to frighten the people through propagation about the unavailability of cure of a pandemic.


History is witness, that since the inception, mankind had to face different monsters in the forms of natural  disasters i.e. earthquakes, floods, pandemics , and many pandemics devastated the whole mainland also and left far-reaching effects to the centuries, but survival is the best trait of mankind.

With the passage of time man learned to deal with the loss and make future strategies to avoid them. If we suppose for a while that Coronavirus could be used as a biological attack, then the word “pandemic “, itself is a contradiction of it.

The need of the hour is to create cooperation and seriousness to get rid of the issue. Being Muslims our faith should be based on ordaining of Allah Almighty that He Has created a solution first before each problem, cure before the disease.


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